Thursday, January 24, 2013

Rubbers...contraceptive and podiatric

Kevin here
Nell has tossed the ball to me to discuss our  last evening. Iris had two other friends to entertain--the women is a saint--and enlisted our help. Bad thinking. The preprandial event went on too long and sure enough Kate and the husband found a bone of contention--something about Saul Allinsky's financial portfolio, if memory serves.  Not really a pissing match, but close.

Next on the agenda was a group field trip for a foot massage,  a visit to the podiatrical rubbers  of the title of this post. Picture a line of six or seven Barcoloungers filled with white Europeans having their feet rubbed, punched, poked with bamboo sticks in the dark  by short Asian women  who are chatting away between themselves.  I closed my eyes and imagined what they were talking about:

"How come I get the fat guy all the time?
"Damn that blonde girl is a giantess"
"The mother is snoring so loud I can't hear the music."

However foolish one feels about having a total stranger tweaking ones toes, I think this foot massage thing has potential in the US market.  How about "McTootsies?" Talk about your happy meal!

Next step in our rubbers-themed evening was dinner at the aforementioned "Cabbages and Condoms ."  This elegant thai restaurant uses condoms as both a decor theme and in the menu. Life sized mannikins were dressed in outfits constructed of prophylactics in varies colors and textures. Instead of after dinner mints you were offered a choice of condoms--republicans post. or democratic. 

Guess which ones were larger.

Currently winging our way north to Chiang Mai in a plane painted as an exotic tropical bird...the cockpit is the beak. In our future, bathing elephants.  


  1. wow, I love the posts.
    It's about 100 below here in the frozen north. All seems well at Casa de Fin Han. No call for my vet service. YET.
    Keep those stories coming.
    Much love and can't wait to see the pix.

  2. OK, I get the lure of foot massages, but the mannikens decorated with condoms ruined my appetite for the cabbage. My current impression of Thailand is a beautiful, albeit, crowded, country of sex-crazed short people dressed in cheap, colorful clothing with lotion on their hands staring at the feet of all white tourists. Perhaps, if the condoms were on the correct body parts, there would be room on the sidewalks for pedestrians.
    So glad to hear that Nell arrived. Have a great time together.

    1. frannie, google earth cabbages and condom bankok and you will change you mind. fine dining in an alley, you can practically smell the cabbage. sounds a great deal more inviting than this -25 degree weather we keep waking up to.
      Popping corn from misty meadows, thanks to kate and nell.

  3. Don't forget the pea soup smog in the picture and include rivers of sweat. Chiang Mai is a leaned up version of clear mornings and air you can breathe, Heading up a mountain with Ata or guide today.
