Yesterday were did four of the major archeological sites in the 500 acre national heritage sitewith the aid of a Tuk-Tuk driver. It's amazing like the most highbrow theme park you've ever seen. Fascinating look into an advanced civilization that fell and got forgotten-- over grown and buried. The intersting thing is that people live in the area so you see the present while studying the past. I feel like imknow the culture after one day...why? Because they live their lives in fullmview approximately five feet from the side of the road. You get to see them cook, clean nap do laundry as you are scootednby on what is essentially a golf cart.
Today a driver took us to one of the major sites not in the park proper. This one was lost and forgotten and is in the condition they found it in fairly recently. They we went to the Floating Village on the biggest lake in southern Asia. They live in houses on stilts thirty of so feet hundred or so families. No water or electricity, just cute kids and what looks like a really tough life.
Enough of's Kate vacationing
Start my day with this blog, love it,